Friday, August 07, 2009

I Love Blogs

I really do, and I think they are just getting better the more people make the leap and blog. I could get lost in the blog world, it's an amazing place. I know if I have an idea but can't quite figure out how to do what I want, I can google it and someone has shared how they did it. I am finding more and more great craft blogs out there, more then one person could possibly find on their own, even with the help of google. I've recently found some blogs that try to "round up" their favorite finds, like for example, One Pretty Thing has the Daily DIY round up. From just this one blog countless others can be found, these people are talented, generous people, that because of, not only am I getting less sleep then normal, but am so inspired by, and in awe of that I want to know where they find the time to craft, blog and do all the other stuff in life they do, they really do seem to be "super woman"